Australian and New Zealand Society of the History of Medicine
Medical History Newsletter is sent to all members of the Society on a quarterly basis. The Newsletter carries articles or notices about ANZSHM activities, other articles relating to the history of medicine and health, book notes, conference news and news from related societies. Contributions are eagerly sought.
Correspondence related to the Newsletter should be forwarded to anzshm@anzshm.org.au.
The current and previous editions of the newsletter can be accessed here.
The Society's journal, Health and History, is published twice yearly. Its editors are Associate Professor Hans Pols, Director, Unit for History and Philosophy of Science at The University of Sydney; Dr Peter Hobbins, Research Associate, Department of History, University of Sydney; and Dr Susan Heydon, Senior Lecturer, University of Otago. From time to time special issues are published containing articles relating to a particular topic, often overseen by a Guest Editor.
Health and History is peer reviewed and carries high quality research papers on the history of medicine and health, book review essays and other matters of interest. Some of the papers from the ANZSHM biennial conferences have been published in this journal. Receipt of the journal forms part of the annual membership subscription and institutional subscriptions are also welcomed (please contact ANZSHM for information).
An online copy of the journal is available here.
Submissions are invited and can be forwarded via email to the journal's editors: health.and.history@gmail.com
Style Guide (guidelines for authors) for Health and History.