Australian and New Zealand Society of the History of Medicine

How to become a member
A range of membership categories are available, including concessions for students and pensioners.
To join the Society, please click here.
For enquiries about membership, contact the Membership Officer, Dr Madonna Grehan <mgrehan@unimelb.edu.au>
Council of the ANZSHM, 2023-2025
President: Prof. Linda Bryder
Vice-President: Em. Prof. Neville Yeomans
Treasurer: Mr John Sinclair
Secretary: Dr Paige Donaghy
A/Prof. Catherine Storey
Mrs Maggi Boult
Dr Kate Irving
Dr Charmaine Robson Em. Prof. Ian Roberts-Thomson
Editor Medical History Newsletter: A/Prof. Kathryn Weston
Webmaster: A/Prof. Paul Sendziuk
Editor Health and History: Prof. Hans Pols
Postgraduate Students and Early Career Researchers: Ms Samatha Kohl Grey
Membership Officer: Dr Madonna Grehan
19th Biennial Conference Convenor: Dr Catherine Storey
President, Victorian Branch (MHSV): Prof. Meredith Temple-Smith
President, NSW Branch (ANZSHM NSW): Dr Charmaine Robson
Honorary Members of the Society
The election of a member as an Honorary Member is recognition by the Society of an outstanding contribution by that member to the Society.
Prof. Emeritus H. Attwood (dec.)
Dr Ian Chapple (dec.)
The Hon. Mr D. Buffett
Prof. Emeritus B. Gandevia (dec.)
Dr G. Kenny (dec.)
Prof. John Pearn
Dr Peter Winterton
Dr Di Tibbits (dec.)
Dr Peter Tyler (dec.)
Dr Noel Cass (dec.)
Mrs Marie Rogers
Dr Anthea Hyslop
Prof. Hans Pols
Prof. Linda Bryder
Dr Derek Dow
Dr Judith Godden
Rules of the Society
The official rules of the Society can be accessed here.